How to stay motivated as a creative | 6 Ways to Stay Motivated

How to stay motivated as a creative

6 Ways to Stay Motivated

I am in a slump

I am just not feeling it

I don’t have the time

My creative juices are gone

I am in a creative lul

I’m just not motivated…….

Yes, we have all had those feelings. Those feelings of doubt, those feelings of not wanting to, those feelings of not good enough, those feelings that our motivation is just completely out the window. Even the best of the best of the best have those feelings. Those feelings of just not wanting to, not being able to, or even really just not liking to. So how do we fix that? How do we get out of our creative slump? How do we stay motivated as a creative?

Just recently I was watching a Youtube video from Sorelle Amore. In her video she referenced a conference and a presentation being put on by Cody Wanner. Someone asked how Cody is able to create so much dang content (Cody posts daily Youtube videos. Yes…. DAILY).

Cody’s response really hit home, and I just had to share it with you guys. He said:

You are not creating enough… you are getting out of the heads pace… and procrastinating

Now obviously those are not his exact words because I wasn’t at the conference; however, they are somewhat close, but really think about that for a minute. YOU ARE NOT CREATING ENOUGH.

This is so dang true!!! The more we create the more we crave to create. When we begin to slow down, when we begin to lag, when we begin to procrastinate we then begin this downward spiral. Our motivation goes out the window. We start this negative self talk, we procrastinate because we are feeling bad about ourselves, which then continues to demotivate us. It is a vicious cycle that we have to break!

How do we break this cycle? According to Cody, create more!

Now if that doesn’t work here are a few additional ways to stay motivated:

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How to stay motivated as a creative:

How to stay motivated as a creative entrepreneur - 6 different ideas that you need to try today by Bessie Young Photography.jpg

Increase the challenge

What I mean by this is make it harder. Step outside of the box. Do something that you aren’t used to doing. Stop doing the same ole same ole. When we get in a rut, that is when our creativeness starts do go away. That is when our motivation declines. That is when we get in this terrible cycle.

Change your creative method

Try shooting with a different gear set up. Talk about a motivation killer when you are bored with what you are doing right? Well, switch it up!

Create from a different point of view (MIX IT UP)

Change your angle! Shoot from above, from below, sideways, at an angle. Stop doing the same thing over and over again.

Make time for it

Lets face it. Adulting Sucks. Like for realz. Life is so dang busy. Sometimes, we just need to schedule our craftie time. So whether you are a photographer, crafter, baker, or candlestick maker it doesn’t matter. Life gets a hold of us, we get caught up in the day to day life, and next second we realize we haven’t been able to be creative for weeks. No wonder our mood sucks! We aren’t taking the time to do the things that we love! So, if you are finding that you are having a hard time being able to do your craft, schedule it. Actually put it on your calendar. Write it down. Block out the time.

Forget about the goal and just have fun

We get pretty caught up trying to reach our goals that we forget to have fun. After all, we are doing this for fun right? We are doing it because we love it right? We create a goal, we start grinding, and we take away all the fun. We get frustrated, and then we want to give up. Stop it!

I’m not saying stop setting goals here. Do not get me wrong. I am just saying sometimes we need to do the things we love to do just to have fun. To enjoy ourself and to actually do what we love.

Create more and create it more often

This goes back to Mr. Cody Wanner’s quote. Create more and more often. This will have you wanting to create more.

So, I do 100% believe this. I know if you are in a rut, if you are unmotivated it sounds rediculious, but just hear me out. If you start creating, your creativeness begins to start flowing. When you create, you begin to be more creative. Ideas come to you so much easier than they do when you aren’t in your creative mind.

Once you stop creating you begin to get in this “rut” or you begin to have this “block” where you just can’t seem to find any motivation to create. Nothing sounds fun, everything sounds hard, and you are just uninspired.

When you create, you start getting ideas all the time…. in your sleep, before you go to bed, in the shower, while you are cooking. This is because you are actually doing it! You have turned on that part of your brain. It is something that you just can’t stop from happening. Awesome ideas come into your head when you are in your creative mindset.

So create more. Start creating which will then put you in that creative mindset. Yes, it is hard to get started because DUH your not inspired or your not motivated or your not in the creative mindset, but once you get started the ideas will slowly start to come. Then eventually you will be so overwhelmed with ideas that you won’t even know what to do :)

Stop comparing yourself to others!

This is huge you guys! Seriously, this is probably the #1 motivation killer in today’s world. we have the world at our fingertips and social media is blasting us everyday. It is human nature to compare, yet with so much information coming to us on a daily basis, we have every opportunity to compare ourselves to other people. This is so important that I even created an entire video on it. Please please please go watch it, read the post, listen to the words and try to stop the comparison game.

P.s. Make sure you check out my list of Must Read Girl Boss Books to keep you extra motivated!

I hope this helps you a little bit to get out of that slump the next time you find yourself lacking motivation or in that vicious cycle of: not creating - negative self talk - procrastination - not creating…..

Wishing you nothing but the very best!


Inspiration for Creative Entrepreneurs | Be Kind to Yourself | Car Chats With Bessie

2018 was rough. I struggled almost the entire year though. There were so many ups and downs and I just couldn’t wait for the year to be over. I thought that there might be ‘something in the air’ for… yes… the entire year.

When I started looking back on my 2018 accomplishments, downfalls, and just the year as a whole, I began to realize that it really wasn’t that bad. I started to realize that it was really just me. My own negative self talk.

You see, I am super mean to myself. I put myself down all the time:

“You’re not experienced enough”

You’re not good enough
Be Kind to Yourself - Car Chats With Bessie - Inspiration for Creative Entrepreneurs by Bessie Young Photography.jpg

“You aren’t worth that kind of money”

“You don’t deserve that”

“You are just a poser”

blah blah blah blah blah. The list goes on and on and on. I do this to myself constantly.

So when I started looking back on 2018 I started to realize that most of the things were really just myself being mean to myself, criticizing my work, and ultimately just putting myself down on a regular daily basis.

We seriously are our own worst critics. How can we expect anyone else to appreciate us, to love us, to value our work, if we are constantly devaluing ourselves to ourself?

So this year one of my hardest goals I think I set out to accomplish was to be nicer to myself. You see this is going to be an internal struggle. This isn’t something that I can write down, reach that magic number, and then be stoked that I accomplished my goal. This is something that is just going to be a daily accomplishment.

Did I say anything negative?

Was I nice to myself today?

My question is, why do we do this? Why do you do this to yourself? Comment below. I would absolutely love to hear. Let’s support each other!

I believe that as creatives we struggle with this. At least most creatives do . We have an idea in our head, and when it doesn’t come out exactly like the idea in our head we start the ‘talk’. You see, I grew up with creatives. My mom, my aunts, my sisters. We are all creatives and we all do this! I took art classes in high school and every single person would put their work down and pointing out all the flaws. Yes, all the flaws.

Why are we not pointing out the good things in our work? Showing it off to the world and explaining how awesome it is? Honestly, I believe this is taught and looked down on. We aren’t supposed to boast or show off. So, instead of ‘bragging’ about how great our work is, we start criticizing it.

Let’s freaking stop doing this! All this does is ingrain in our head that, in fact, all our insecurities are true. It is just a downward spiral. The more you create, the more negative self talk you can provide, and the worse our outlook on ourself becomes.

So I hope you will join me this year in being kind to yourself. Let’s talk nicely to ourself. Lets stop this constant negative self talk. Comment ‘i’m in’ below if you want to join me in this uphill battle.

You are absolutely beautiful and amazing just the way you are. You do amazing work. Don’t let yourself tell you otherwise.

There is only one you in this world and that is your power

I am hanging this quote on everything. Just as a friendly reminder not to be so dang harsh. Maybe this quote isn’t for you, but it yells at me every time I read it. Find a quote to remind yourself how awesome you are, how far you have come, how you are good enough and print it out as a friendly reminder and a little helper to be kind to yourself.

Wishing you nothing but the most positive 2019!


Carrizo Plains National Monument - I am a Finalist in the Viewbug Photo Contest!!!

I cannot even believe this! 2 photos within weeks of each other made it to the Finalist in different photo contests!!! How freaking awesome is this life!?!

Gosh, you guys! Thank you so freaking much for all your love and support. It means the world to me!

Photo Contest Winner - Carrizo Plains National Monument Superbloom 2019 by Bessie Young Photography
Photo Contest Winner - Carrizo Plains National Monument Superbloom 2019 by Bessie Young Photography
Yellow Wildflower Photo- Carrizo Plains National Monument Superbloom 2019 by Bessie Young Photography

Carrizo Plains National Monument -

This adventure was a super spontaneous trip that I took in 2017. I was looking over some of my photography forums and watching the National Parks websites for super bloom information. This lasted for a couple of weeks. I would check in daily to see where the blooms were, how they were doing, and ultimately decide if it was worth taking the long trip.

Well, one day I saw that Corrizo was in full bloom! I just couldn’t help myself. I had to go! So, the next morning I hopped in the car and took the 4 hour trip to the Corrizo Plains National Monument. Man was it worth it!

There were beautiful purple and yellow blooms EVERYWHERE. There was one main trail that you could walk among the wildflowers. It went up a small hill and you could see over the amazing landscape. The view was to die for!

I ultimately wanted a sunset image, so I sat down on the trail and just waited. As I was sitting there, I had my camera on a tripod and I figured, well… why the heck not try a self portrait. I was surrounded by wildflowers and it was amazing!

The day was perfect. It was an incredibly long day trip, but man was it worth it!

The Photo Contest:

A photo contest came open called ‘Sitting in Nature’ and I literally jumped with happiness! I just had to submit my Corrizo Plains National Monument Superbloom photo called “Among the Flowers” . I have been on a mission to submit photos to contests. It is one of my goals this year and I am so freaking stoked that I made it one.

So, here is the image that made it to be a finalist:

I am a Finalist in the Sitting in Nature Viewbug Photo Contest!!!

How cool is that?!!!! I mean seriously though! I am beyond humbled and incredibly excited to be among some of these amazing photos.

If you want, here is a link to purchase images from this adventure check it out here:

If you want to see the grand prize winner and all the finalists check out the contest winners.

Have you entered into any photo contests? If so, which ones? Comment below and let me know :) I would love to check them out.

Wishing you the very best,


Make sure to check out some of my Landscape Photography Adventures, Tips, Tricks, and How To’s here:

White Sands National Monument - I am a Finalist in the Viewbug Photo Contest!!!

You guys!!!! I am so dang excited.

One of my goals this year was to win a photo contest or be featured in a magazine! Well, this month I made it to be a finalist in the Creative Landscapes Photo Contest vol3 !!! This contest is hosted on View Bug and is just such an amazing place and an amazing honor.

I submitted one of my images taken while I was in White Sands National Monument at sunset. Here is the photograph that actually made it to be a finalist:

White Sands National Monument -

I am a Finalist in the Viewbug Photo Contest!!!

White Sands New Mexico Fine Art Print - Travellers by Bessie Young Photography.jpg

I can’t even begin to say how incredibly excited I am about this. There were hundreds of thousands of photos submitted and to be a finalist in the contest and see my image among these amazing great photos is incredibly humbling.

If you want, here is a link to purchase the photograph:

If you want to see the grand prize winner and all the finalists check out the contest winners.

Have you entered into any photo contests? If so, which ones? Comment below and let me know :) I would love to check them out.

Wishing you the very best,


Make sure to check out some of my Landscape Photography Adventures, Tips, Tricks, and How To’s here:

Uninspired? Find Your Motivation | Inspiration for Creative Entrepreneurs | Car Chats With Bessie

Recently I was watching a Peter Mckinnon video. I mean ya, everyone probably saw it because he has a bajillion followers. It was all about feeling uninspired.

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He called it photographers block . I thought that was just perfect !  The entire video is really good and it was all about things that you could do  to become inspired again , or to get over this so-called photographers block .  

Uninspired - Find Your Motivation - Inspiration for Creative Entrepreneurs - By Bessie Young Photography

As I started reading through the comments I noticed a reoccurring comment, or a reoccurring theme. There were so many people talking about comparison. They were saying how they can't seem to overcome the hole comparison game, how comparison is the death of motivation, and how social media is really feeding people to compare themselves to others.

Naturally I started commenting trying to help him to stay motivated. Explaining how they shouldn't be comparing themselves to others, blah blah blah. Then I started realizing that I should just create a video in a blog post about this. There are so many people struggling with this .  So here it is my blog post all about  comparing yourself and what I do to make sure that I don't compare myself to others .  

Now it's kind of inevitable right? We have social media in our face, we have the world at our fingertips because we carry our smartphone everywhere we go. So we are getting inundated with so much information .  We see all these people being so successful, and we begin to doubt our self. We begin to think what's wrong with me?  

Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People

I'm here to tell you my friend that there is absolutely nothing wrong with you . You see the problem with social media is we see everybody's highlight reel . Do we even really know  that this is real? That their successes real? That those photos are real? Yet we want to compare yourself to something that we don't really even know  the truth behind it .  The other thing is is we don't see the struggles that these successful people have been through. We don't see how long it's taking them to get to where they are today .  We might have been in business for only a couple years yet we're comparing yourself to someone that's been grinding it out for 10 or 15 years . We have to remember this  or the other idea is to just stop comparing yourself  two other people on the internet . Now hear me out . . .  

I say that we start comparing ourself to ourself .  I'm sure you're kind of wondering what I mean but just listen for a second and you'll totally understand where I'm going .  If we start comparing ourselves to our self we will start realizing how far we've come in our craft . Take a moment and look back at when you first started . Look at your photos, or your Creations, a few years ago . Now compare them to something that you just did recently .  Don't you notice how far you have come ?. 

Now if that is not motivation I really don’t know what it is

You can see your success . You can see your growth. You can see how awesome you're becoming.  You can see that you are getting better . You can see all the changes that you've made throughout the years to be where you are today . Now if you would have stopped pushing forward you wouldn't be the badass that you are today. If you would have stopped because you kept comparing yourself and thinking that you're not good enough then you wouldn't be as good as you are today. So my friend stop comparing yourself to other people and just compare yourself to yourself. Whenever you start realizing that you are comparing yourself to others, and you realize that you're starting to feel down, you're starting to doubt yourself, and so forth pull up your old stuff. Pull up your old images from years ago and start comparing those to the ones that you just took. Believe me it's going to make you happy, it's going to motivate you, and it's going to make you realize that you are getting better, and that you will continue to get better as time goes on as long as you continue to pursue what you love.

Lets compare some of my photos:

Uninspired - Find Your Motivation - Inspiration for Creative Entrepreneurs - Car Chats With Bessie.jpg

So there you have it. My progression from 2007. Whenever I choose to compare myself to myself I begin to feel so much dang better. I see how far I have come, I realize how much I have grown as an individual and a creative. Then, I become inspired to do more, get better, try harder.

So lets stop comparing ourselves to other people. Lets just compare ourselves to ourselves.

Can you relate? Leave a comment below! I would love to hear how you avoid the Photographers block, how to avoid getting uninspired, how you find your motivation to continue to do what you love.

Wishing you nothing but the most positive 2019!


The Creative Process | Inspiration for Creative Entrepreneurs | Car Chats With Bessie

Ahhh, being a creative… We have so many different ups and downs. The creative process is tricky, but it is only tricky when it comes to your mind. We play so many mind games on ourselves it is crazy.

There are a ton of different funny quotes about the creative process. You can find all sorts of images that can make you laugh and that you can completely relate to. I just figured, I would create one myself, explain what actually goes on in our heads, and then share it with you! So here goes nothing. I hope you enjoy, get a good laugh, and can relate to it all :)

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The Creative Process | Inspiration for Creative Entrepreneurs

Car Chats With Bessie

The creative process Inspiration for Creavite Entrepreneurs by Bessie Young Photography

So here is my version of the creative process:

  1. Yas! This is awesome!

    This is the beginning of it all. We get inspired, have an awesome idea in our head, and are freaking gung ho to make it come to life.

    At this point we gather all the supplies, all the things, maybe some coffee along the way, and then get to creating.

  2. This is hard…

    As we start ‘making it happen’ it becomes apparent that the idea is way harder to make come to life than we expected. We begin to question ourselves. Like

    • “What the hell was I even thinking starting this project?”

    • “This seemed so much easier in my head”

    • “Why the crap do I do this to myself”

    • “What is wrong with me? Why isn’t this easier?”

  3. This sucks!

    After we get to creating, realize how hard it actually is, and start seeing the product actually come to life all hell breaks loose. Everything gets questioned. We begin to doubt ourself because things may not be going as planned. We get uninspired, sad, and we start all the negative talk…

  4. I suck! I should quit.

    Yep, all the negative self talk one can, or can’t, handle. This is in the heart of the project. Where we begin to want to give up. Where we question everything and when I say everything I mean everything. We even begin to question life choices that aren’t even related to the project itself.

    This is where we then also start to compare ourselves to others.

    • “Why do I even try, look how good they are doing”

    • “What is wrong with me?”

    • “Oh crap I can’t ever find anything around here. I really need to get better at being organized.”

    • “I definitely shouldn’t have had all those drinks during New Years”

    • “Why can’t I ever finish a new years resolution? Oh ya, because I suck!”

    • “I suck. People are just lying when they say they like my stuff”

  5. This might be ok…

    After kicking our own ass, possibly for days, we start to see the final product. We start to realize that there might be some hope. That there is a possibility that the project might turn out just ok. Maybe not great. Maybe not what we expected it to be, but good enough.

    • “Huh…. maybe it’s not that bad”

    • “Maybe it will turn out ok. I guess I will finish it just to see the final product complete, but I won’t share it with anyone”

  6. Yas! This is awesome!

    The project is complete. This phase might take a few days to actually make it to. We might be stuck in phase 4 or 5 for days. When I say days, I mean freaking days. Not like seconds, or minutes, or hours…. DAYS.

    We inspect the project, look at it over and over again, talk to our Mom about all the good and bad aspects of it. You know… why it sucks and why it might be ok. What all the flaws are about the final product. What might make it a pretty cool accomplishment.

    We then walk away. Sleep on it. Inspect it again. Eventually we realize how awesome it really is and we get the courage up to share it with others.

So there you have it. The creative process. The funny, somewhat ridiculous, and oh so very real things we go through on a day to day basis. Being a creative definitely has its ups and downs. It can get crazy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love being a creative, being able to have a vision of something and make it come to life :)

Can you relate? Leave a comment below! I would love to hear your version of one of the phases, or your version of the entire creative process :)

Wishing you nothing but the most positive 2019!


Stop and Celebrate! 500 Followers on Youtube!!!

Stop and Celebrate!

500 Followers on Youtube!!!

So I want to first of all say thank you all so much for all your love and support! This has been some sort of crazy adventure and it sure is an awesome one, but what is this blog post about really?

The point of this post is to freaking stop and celebrate! So often do we accomplish things that we have set out to accomplish only to just let them pass by with a blink of an eye. We forget to show gratitude, we forget to stop and realize how far we have come, and we forget to freaking celebrate.

If we just continue on down the road acting like these milestones are no big thing then they become no big thing. We get it in our head that we haven’t accomplished anything, we begin to feel down on ourselves, and our motivation goes out the window.

What does 500 followers on Youtube do for me? Absolutely nothing, but guess what…. it was a goal of mine this year. I wanted to make it to 500 followers and check it out… I did!!! That means 500 people like my channel. That means I can help 500 people learn photography. That means 500 people get to come along with me in my crazy adventures and I can inspire and help 500 people! That to me is fan-freaking-tastic!!! **insert fist bump here**

So, yes this blog post is to say thank you. Yes this blog post is to celebrate, and yes this blog post is to stop and realize how far I have come since I started my business, but ultimately this blog post is to tell YOU to stop and celebrate. Celebrate all the things big or small. Stop and have a beer, go out to dinner, take the night off, do something that makes you happy. Something that tells yourself congratulations.

This is me telling you to stop and celebrate! Take the moment to realize your accomplishments :)