Hope Valley, California | Landscape Photography
by Bessie Young Photography
Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. The colors are beautiful, the weather is perfect, and you start to get that feeling that winter is coming and all the fun holiday festivities are just around the corner. It is the beginning of the end of the year, and for some reason it adds a sense of peace. Everything begins to slow down a bit, and we start thinking about the things that really matter such as friends, family, nature, and our true creator. It brings a peace of mind knowing that life isn't all about hustle. Throughout the year we forget to stop... take a deep breath.... and enjoy what truly matters. We are so busy with our day to day lives that the year flies by, but then fall comes around and for some reason it helps us to stop and think. It helps us to look back on the year, and to look forward to the rest of the year. We get a sense of peace. A sense of meaning and understanding.
“The spring, summer, is quite a hectic time for people in their lives, but then it comes to autumn, and to winter, and you can’t but help think back to the year that was, and then hopefully looking forward to the year that is approaching. Enya”
Hope Valley is one of my absolute favorite places in California. Growing up, we would always head over to Hope Valley in order to bring in the Fall season. Sometimes we would hit the aspen's changing at just the right moment. Other times we were either a little too early or a little too late. No matter when we got there, it was still amazing. The sound of the aspen leaves fluttering in the wind, the picnic and family laughter, and the beautiful melody of the creek. It brings everything together. It is funny how some of us cling to certain traditions and if we happen to not be able to accommodate that tradition we feel slightly lost inside. A little piece of our year is missing.
“Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn.
Elizabeth Lawrence”
This year, we hit the Aspens just right. The colors were amazing! There were oranges, yellows, greens, and reds. It was absolutely beautiful! Heading over to Hope Valley we decided to take Hwy 88. This Hwy is beautiful and is mainly forest. If you need gas make sure to gas up in Jackson before making your long journey to Hope Valley.
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower. Albert Camus”
The Aspens seem to change in early October, depending on the weather. Since Hope Valley is so close to South Lake Tahoe it is the perfect weekend adventure. Not to mention that South Lake Tahoe has an amazing Oktoberfest that occurs during the first weekend of October :) Talk about perfect timing! Fall is my favorite time of year. Not only the colors make fall the best, but all the festivities that happen during this season. Oktoberfests, Harvest festivals, Halloween parties, and Thanksgiving to only mention a few things. How can you not love Fall?!
“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.
George Elio”
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Wishing you nothing but amazing adventures and beautiful days.