“You need to blog at least once a week”
Ok so we have all heard it. Blogging is important.
Is it really though? Do you really need to blog as a photographer? Why? What is so awesome about it? Is this just one of those things that everyone says because… well… everyone else is saying it?
Today, I really want to talk about this subject. It has been something on my mind ever since I started by photography business. I started off my business with a blogging bang! I blogged once a week. It got me no where (or so I thought). So I stopped blogging. Then I started. Then I stopped. Then I just decided to do it whenever I wanted to do it.
This year, I have decided that I am going to blog at least once a week consistently all freaking year long. Yep, that is what I am doing. Now, why I am sure you are asking. Why would I do that with my blogging history? Well, that is why we are here to chat.
I have learned a freaking lot since starting my business 4 years ago. The struggle has been real and I really really really want to save you all that time. I want to just help you, and get you the answers you need, so you can start off with a huge BANG!
Alright, so here it is…
Do Photographers Really Need a Blog?
The answer is short and sweet. So if you don’t want to read all my reasons my short answer is:
Now that the cat is out of the bag, lets chat about why it is important, why it isn’t a waste of time, and why you need to be consistent with your blogging.
Why do Photographers need a blog?
Ok, hear me out here. Please just read and really soak this in. DO NOT JUST READ THE HEADLINES (I am guilty of this, like all the time when reading a blog. I only read the highlights. You really need to see the reason behind why this is important).
1 First and foremost, it will help with SEO
This is one of the BIGGEST things eva! What you need to ask yourself is “how are my clients going to find me?” If the answer is the internet then there you go.
So, basically SEO is this big scary thing that you never knew was going to be part of owning a photography business. I mean you’re a photographer, not a SEO expert, but unfortunately you are going to need to become at least versed in SEO.
For blogging purposes and to be relevant in a google search google wants to see that your website is providing new ideas/things on a regular basis. So the rule of thumb is 1 blog post a week. This way google knows that you are still ‘alive’ if you will.
2. It will deem you as an expert in your field
There is this article I was reading on the Huffington Post about the 1% rule. Only 1% of people are actually adding content to the internet on a regular basis. This means that if you just post a blog post on a regular basis you will be in that top 1%. How crazy is that? And yet, here we are being scared that the market is over saturated, that blogging is dead… pssschhhhttttt. Ya right!
Along with that, you will establish yourself as an expert in your field by posting what you know. It will show people that you actually practice what you preach. That you actually do what you say you do. Let’s face it, Instagram can be tricky. There are so many people… well.. how do I say this….. there are so many people freaking faking it. Photos aren’t always real. When you start blogging about what you know, BOOM you have become an expert in your field. This will validate the photos that you share.
3. It will bring you clients
Now this is the biggie! We started this business to stay in business right? So, we obviously need clients. If you blog, you become more relevant. You start showing up in google searches, on Pinterest, and pretty much all over the place. Then when your ideal client searches for a photographer, they find you rather than the people not putting out the time and effort to blog. Then your client checks your website. They see that you are active and posting all the time compared to other photographers in your area. They see your gallery, your work, they freaking love it, they contact you, and the rest is history.
4. It will help with marketing
So there are two things here, Google and Pinterest.
Blogging can be a form of marketing depending on how you use it. Blogging will also allow you to have ample content for Pinterest. Friends, if you aren’t on Pinterest what are you even doing? Do not walk, RUN! Go sign up right freaking now and get your bootay moving!
P.s. if you want to follow me on pinterest you can find me here.
5. It allows your clients to get to know you
For me, this is one of the most important. I want people to see who I am and decide if they like what I am all about. I do not want people contacting me just to find out that we aren’t compatible. Basically, this helps weed people out. Now, something that I have had to really freaking get to understand is that you can’t please everyone and that is ok. Seriously THAT IS OK. You want to attract your people, your tribe, your ideal clients. You also want to push away the people that you will not get along with. Maybe this sounds harsh, but you don’t want to work with someone who doesn’t value you, and they shouldn’t want to work with you either. They should want to work with someone who they can relate to. It will make the entire experience so much better!
6. It allows your clients to see your artistic style
This last one really relates to the one above. Your blogs will show who you are, your style, and pretty much everything about you as long as you are authentic. You want your clients to view your blogs prior to making any decisions. The last thing you want is to book a client only to find out later that they didn’t like your editing style, your teaching style, or just your style in general. This again will weed out the people that aren’t for you and will attract the people that are for you! It’s a good thing and it will make your life so much easier and funner :)
Now with all that being said, how do you know if you are doing it right? How do you know how often to blog?
Answer: The rule of thumb is to blog once a week. You need to be consistent with your blogging. This is what will keep you relevant and help with your SEO. Now, that isn’t the only amount to blog. Do not be afraid to blog more often if you can. The key is to just blog, and blog consistently.
Ok, ok I can already hear people… “but I don’t have enough content to blog”. Dude, I freaking get it! I really do. I was in the same boat, and totally felt the same way, hence my super ugly blogging history. Now, the key is to stay consistent. If you don’t have enough to blog about, then just make sure you blog consistently. Blog once a month if that is all you can do, but be consistent about it. Now, I am going to be real and brutally honest, because that is just who I am and what I do.
“You are making excuses. You are standing in your own way. You are letting fear run your business, and your life. STOP IT!”
You have enough to blog about, you are just having a block. Maybe you are scared that people won’t read your blog. Maybe you are letting fear run your decisions. Maybe you are shy or self conscious. Maybe… maybe… maybe…
Whatever the reason is, I am here to be your honest friend. You are making an excuse. You do have enough content, you just need to take the time to write it down. Get yourself a little book to carry with you always. When you come up with an idea, jot it down in your book. Then when the time comes to blog, you have a plethora of ideas to choose from. Also, once you start blogging, once you start getting into the groove of things, it actually does become easier. Seriously though, it really does. I’m not just saying that.
Make sure to check out my blog on Tips + Tricks to Make Blogging Easier and Faster.
Have you started your blog yet? If not, check out my post:
How to start a blog and make money in 2019
Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog
If you need some blogging inspiration make sure to head on over to my “For Entrepreneurs” page. I provide a ton of information on how to blog, what to blog, how to make money blogging, and so forth :)
“So Stop Waiting! Start Your Blog Today. Tag me in your social or comment below so I can see your new blog!”
Seriously though, blogging is pretty darn awesome and has so much dang potential. It really depends on how much effort you put into it!
I hope you all enjoyed this blog! If you did, leave me a comment below, or even better, share it with your friends!
Wishing you the absolute best!